Forever Foster Cavaliers

18 December 2020
Cody a 3 year old Cavalier with severe hip dysplasia

My hip replacement surgery is booked

Forever Foster boy Cody repawting….   Yesterday I did not get any breakfast, them hoomans are so mean. My routine was different so I got very […]
23 December 2020
Cody Cavalier King Charles after hip replacement surgery

Cody update- I have a new hip!

Hi friends, Cody here! I’m home following my hip replacement surgery that I had on Monday. My surgery went very well, all straight forward. I had […]
8 January 2021
Dylan in January 2021

Forever Foster Dylan

Forever foster boy darling Dylan age 11.5 came into rescue at the beginning of October 2020. Dylan was emaciated, you could see every rib sticking out […]
22 January 2021
Fudge and Biscuit Cavalier king charles age 7 and 5

Fostering – A stepping stone to a new life for rescue Cavaliers

Here at Bliss Cavalier Rescue we don’t have kennels, all the little dogs that come into us go into a foster home, where they are welcomed […]
1 February 2021
Murph wearing his smart new jumper

Murph’s Mutterings- Post January Round-Up

Well it’s been a few weeks since we last spoke so I thought I’d update you with how things are going here. A new hooman arrived […]
13 December 2022
Rupert ruby Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Rupert’s recovery since his protein losing enteropathy (PLE) crisis

As many of you will know, Rupert was extremely poorly at the end of October and was admitted to a veterinary hospital with protein losing enteropathy. […]