Eira the snow Spaniel
Eira’s story in her words
24th January 2021
Skye Blenhiem Cavalier age 1 Summer Blenhiem Cavalier age 4
Why do rescue Cavaliers so often need a doggy friend?
6th February 2021
Murph wearing his smart new jumper

Well it’s been a few weeks since we last spoke so I thought I’d update you with how things are going here. A new hooman arrived just before Christmas, he seems to like me although I am trying to tell him that I was here first and my main hooman loves me more than him. He’s also quite lazy, have tried barking him out of bed but he doesn’t seem to hear – apparently that’s what happens when you go off to university, don’t like the sound of it personally!

Recovering well after my knee surgery

I’m doing really well on my knee after my operation and am now allowed short walks, at my last check-up the vet found that everything is healing as it should so I can go for even longer walks! Murph on his walk in the snow

I’m also doing really well with my weight loss and am now down to 11.5kg and although I’d rather have much more to eat and lots of treats I’m enjoying how I’m feeling. I can run now and I absolutely love my walkies, it’s my favourite time of day. My main hooman asked Father Christmas to bring me my own collar and name tag so I really am part of the family! I also got a Christmas jumper thing which she insists I wear when we go out when it’s wet, she says I look like a superhero in it! It’s a bit of a faff putting it on but it keeps me dry and warm and I can still collect brambles and undergrowth in my tail, so things aren’t so bad. I have also discovered mice that live on the field and love sniffing and trying to dig them out of their hiding holes!

I have enjoyed a few snow days over the past couple of weeks, my foster brother and sister are so silly in the snow and we’ve had a few mad moments chasing around. Although we do not like the snowballs that collect on our feet!

I feel that life is good at the moment I have a house full of people to give me lots of attention and cuddles as apparently we are having another lockdown, I’m not sure why this is bad as its so lovely having everyone together all the time. The main hooman seems to be a little bit stressed with the 3 younger hoomans as they seem to have lots of heated discussions, I give her extra cuddles after they’ve annoyed her, I’m her favourite I know that for definite.

I have some very BIG news to share with you all soon, cannot wait to tell you!

Speak soon,

Love Murph xx

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