Eira’s story in her words

Fudge and Biscuit Cavalier king charles age 7 and 5
Fostering – A stepping stone to a new life for rescue Cavaliers
22nd January 2021
Murph wearing his smart new jumper
Murph’s Mutterings- Post January Round-Up
1st February 2021
Eira the snow Spaniel

My name is Eira. I have had lots of babies. The place I was kept in didn’t want me anymore. Where could I go? I could be rescued if there was a space for me. All the spaces were full – but I was not turned away. The BCR family pulled together. One space was found.

I was collected and quickly taken to see a vet. That vet gave me drops for my poorly ears so they would not hurt so much. Straight after that I was put in another car. I was driven through a snow storm to a place where I could be safe.

It was called a foster home. I went flat to the ground when I got in that house because it wasn’t where I lived. There were other dogs there who belonged. They came to see me and were kind to me. I found my courage and went with them into the garden and I sniffed the snow. They all went back in the house when they were asked to. I didn’t. It wasn’t my house. My foster mum put a lead on me and took me back inside where it was warm. Eira Cocker sat by the log burner fire

Next day I was too afraid to go in the garden incase I would not be allowed back in. My foster mum put a lead on me again, took me out and waited with me. That happened for lots of days when I needed to do ‘private’ things.

I have more courage now and sometimes forget I’m scared and just go outside with the others. I can do what proper cocker spaniels are allowed to do, sniffing the ground and exploring all the garden with the other dogs. I can run fast back inside with them too.

On Friday I went to the vet hospital so I could begin to be mended in the parts where my body had not been looked after. I was there all day because there was lots to mend: I had 2 grass seeds in my ear which had been there for a long time and had hurt my ear drum. Now they are out my ear should get better and not hurt so much. I had 9 teeth taken out too, and I have special food for a few days ’till my gums feel better. Where all my babies had fed from me there were some lumps so the surgeon took some tiny samples to be sent to a lab. I don’t know what that sort of lab is. It isn’t one of those big dogs – ‘cos they usually got no sense. I expect it’s a place where things that make dogs poorly are discovered. I had an x-ray too for that. The nurses and the surgeon said I was beautiful and they all loved me and were kind. I’m going back to that vet on Monday to make sure I’m ok after yesterday.

Before I can find my forever home I will need more things doing – especially that operation to make sure I will never ever have to have babies again. All these things cost a lot of money – but the people who rescued me say they will find it somehow.

My name is Eira. It is my new name for my new life. I was rescued in a snow storm. Eira means snow. Snow sparkles and is beautiful. My foster mum has made me a promise that I will find a forever home where I will always sparkle, and always be loved.

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