Blenheim Cavalier King Charles
What will April bring in terms of adoptions?
15th March 2021
Maggie May 12 year old Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
Covid-19 Adoption Procedure update Monday 29th March 2021
29th March 2021
Lily Blossom Tricolour Cavalier walking on grass

Hi I’m Lily and I came into rescue with my friend Gracie, it was a sad day for us and our mummy as she loved and cared for us but had to leave us alone a lot as she had to go to work and she didn’t think that was fair to leave us for hours. So she was thinking of us, it was hard for us all. We had to get into a thing on wheels, which I now know was a car, with a nice lady. I cried a bit as I didn’t know what was happening. After a long time we stopped and the nice lady got us out of the car and we met another lady, Gracie and I jumped up to say hello. This lady was to be our foster mummy until we found a forever home. So off we both went in her car, this time the journey wasn’t so long. We got out of the car and went into a bungalow, lots of new friends came to greet us, I was a bit scared and wasn’t very ladylike and did a little wee on the floor but my foster mum didn’t tell me off, she understood how I was feeling. Gracie assured me it was OK. We all went in the garden for a good sniff round and to make friends properly.

When it was time for our food we were still a bit scared so didn’t eat very much, but after foster mum had eaten her dinner we all curled up on the sofa, even Gracie and I. We were all like a big furry blanket to keep foster mum warm. I slept with my new friends in the kitchen at night and I wasn’t scared any more.

I had to get in that car again with Gracie the next day, I cried a bit as I wondered what was happening to us, we were off to the vets. I didn’t like going in by myself but they said I was OK but needed a dental, whatever that is. Gracie needed one too and to have her heart checked. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with it the way she runs around!!!!

I soon found out what a dental was, the next week, and I didnt like it. At the vets I was separated from Gracie, who was next door anLily Blossom in paddockd my foster mum. I cried so much the nurses wondered what the noise was, they needed ear plugs. I slept for some of the time and foster mum came to pick us up and take us home again. The human had noticed that I had been yelping when I was lifted up and a few other things that they say are something called Chiari Malformation with pain. Lots of us Cavaliers have this painful thing because our brains are squashed by our small heads. I have special medicine now that makes me feel so much better! Gracie has the magic medicine as well, she has neck pain too but it’s not as bad as mine.

I have been enjoying my foster home and am not sad any more, I have Gracie and so many friends to play with. Every day we go for a walk, there are lots of lovely smells but because of this coronavirus thingy, the big people talk about, we can’t get close to people and dogs we meet, nor can we go in that car for long nature walks, hopefully soon. I love my walks and look to check that Gracie and foster mum are with me. I love my food but am a bit slow eating but Gracie and my new friends don’t try and steal my food thank goodness. I run round the garden but I’m not as mad as Gracie, I do like to woof and run towards the birds but I can’t catch them. We bought lots of toys from our old home but my favourite thing is my rubber bone. I’m kind though and let all my friends share it. Apart from Gracie my best friend is Clyde, we sometimes we play fight but don’t hurt each other as were friends. I love cuddling on the sofa with my foster mum and Gracie as she is my best friend, but I also cuddle up with the other dogs. I wag my tail and jump up at foster mum for a fuss, Gracie does too.

I am not frightened anymore, Gracie is braver than me and she has helped me stop worrying and of course my new friends have too and my foster mum. I’m told I will have to go to my forever home with Gracie. I think I will be a bit scared again but foster mum said it will be a 5* home.

Love Lily and of course my friend Gracie

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