Lottie 5 year old Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
Lottie – Adopted
11 December 2022
Max and Paddy Cavalier King Charles Spaniels
Max and Paddy – Adopted
6 December 2022
Chester 3 year old Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
Chester is an adorable, 3-year-old Blenheim Cavalier that came into rescue from a pet home due to a change in circumstances.
Chester is such a big softy and is very gentle. He loves spending time in the garden and sitting by the patio door watching the birds, who he does bark at and will chase if he gets the chance!
He enjoys a play with his toys and short walks in woodland areas or parks. Currently, he is not overly keen on street walks, but in time with regular exercise should gain confidence and get used to a routine. He can be a little strong on the lead but with further training, things should improve.
He is very clean in the house and is ok to be left for short periods without any issues. Chester sleeps well downstairs during the night, currently with doggy company. He hasn’t been at all fazed when children have visited the foster home but does get a little worried when adult strangers visit and he does bark at first.
Chester is overweight and his adopter will need to continue a weight loss programme. He does have a habit of watching you eat and tries to persuade you to share! Chester is currently on pain relief for his knee, which is mildly luxating, the vet thinks the pain and stiffness should ease once he loses weight. Exercise will need to be built up gradually over time.
He isn’t cat tested. Chester can be rehomed with children.
Chester is in foster in Lancashire but could be moved due to foster holiday before adoption to another foster home, depending on how long it takes to find his forever home. Their adopters must be prepared to purchase a lifetime insurance policy or have the means to cover any future health issues. Home workers must be able to produce a contract from their employer. Tenants must send a letter from their landlord stating they have permission to have the dog at their property.
The successful applicants must be able to travel to the foster home for the meet and greet and be immediately available for a home check. The meet and greet must occur within 5 days of a successful home check. Please can we remind you not to telephone the rescue regarding adoptions at any time, you are more than welcome to email us with any [email protected]
Please read our adoption procedure before applying – https://www.blisscavalierrescue.org/adoption-procedure/